Thursday, 18 November 2010

Thursday 11th November

It's been long enough since we've made any advance with it, so tonight has been set aside for K and I to get cracking on some wedding planning. One thing that's been niggling lately is the need to get some 'Save the Date' cards made - since they're ever so popular these days and, I suppose, quite a nice pre-invitation thing to send out to get everyone up to speed. We're aware that there will soon be people thinking about their summer holidays for 2011 so we need to preempt the people we want to be there booking something that will keep them away. Having said that, anyone who would dare to book a holiday and miss our wedding isn't worthy of our time anyway - let alone the price of a postcard and a first class stamp.

We have a look around online for companies who specialise in printing these sort of things, leading to a lot of ugly, business-focused websites trying to hawk cheesy business cards by the thousand. Eventually we find a printer with a surprisingly versatile little tool for designing the card and entering the text we want - only to find that their delivery charges are really where they get you. We crack open a bottle of red to deal with the stress of this setback and end up getting too irate to be bothered any more, ordering some nice-looking cards from a website that doesn't look too dodgy.

Later on we relax by watching The Apprentice on iPlayer - during which the clueless contestants wind me up even more by creating two products, named completely wrongly but for amusingly similar reasons. Tasked with coming up with a new brand of cleaning product, the first team try to mix the words "germ" and "terminator" to create: Germ-O-Nator. Where did the O come from?! Germinator would surely have been the obvious choice.

Then, to make matters worse, the second team create an octopus-themed cleaner (don't ask why) and manage to name it Octikleen. WITH AN I! The daft woman who ends up presenting it even pronounces "octopus" as "octipus". If they'd just swapped each other's middle letters around I could have avoided a full hour of shouting at the telly and driving K batty. How did no one tell them to sort this out!??? It's almost like reality TV is deliberately designed to wind people up. Oh.

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